So this is a relaunch. But not only the look and feel of this blog changed, other changes are coming along. The old version had the claim „Aus dem Alltag eines Halbtagsselbständigen” („From the everday life of a part-time self-employed”). This claim is gone because it is no longer true. I quit my other job effective April, 30th and I’m now solely selling cuckoo clocks for a living.
This blog is now responsive. As I hadn’t had the time to do it on my own I used the Tatami-Theme by Elma Studio. There is a lot of good stuff in this template and you can learn a lot from just using it. Of course there are some things I don’t like, too. But I guess that’s the price you have to pay when you use something off-the-shelf.
I also want to use this relaunch to get a consistent line regarding my blogs. So this blog will focus on work-related things and will be in english most of the time. Thanks to the Tatami-Theme I can now also post quotes, links and videos in a more tumblelog-style. Blogpotato will become (or remain) the geek stuff blog in german and I will continue to blog about becoming a vegan on Ist mir egal, ich ess das jetzt einfach (also in german, the URL translates to „I don’t care, I just eat this now”). And, if this wouldn’t be enough: I bought a flat lately which is currently under construction. Thoughts on this subject (in german) will be published on K12.